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kok手机网页版-kok体育娱乐官网 » 婚嫁问答 » 影视婚庆 » 花艺师 » 和某人结婚用英语怎么说?


be married to是代表一种将来要发生的是,看有be不是,将要结婚,这种结婚只是说说而已,将来结不结还不知道呢.所以,没决定要结婚之前就用be married to.也就是没定婚的时候用的.
get married with 是一种正在发生的事情,也就是这样的意思,比如,2个人已经决定要结婚了,这是事实上的结婚,是固定的了,那就用get married with .也就是已经定了婚用的
两种说法都可以。不过最常用,最简单的是marry sb..
marry sb
marry 是及物动词.
marry to要是想用的话要用被动语态, be married with sb
get married with sb.

现代就用 ...is getting married with...
过去就用 ...got married with...
marry sb
marry 是及物动词.
marry to要是想用的话要用被动语态,
be married with sb 是一种状态
be married to 正确
  • get married with 是一种正在发生的事情,也就是这样的意思,比如,2个人已经决定要结婚了,这是事实上的结婚,是固定的了,那就用get married with .也就是已经定了婚用的

  • 与某人结婚用英语怎么说 用marry 和married

    与某人结婚= to get married with sb. 例如i am getting married with xx. 我与xx结婚。 he is getting married with xx. 他与xx结婚。

  • “和谁结婚”是"marry to"还是"marry with"? 终于懂了!

    marry是及物动词,本身就有和某人结婚的意思,再加介词就很多余了。嫁给杰克的英文就是marry jack,老外才不会说marry with jack。marry money不是嫁给钱,而是和有钱人结婚。be/get married to someone 和某人结了婚 mar...

  • 三种 sb is married to sb sb married sb sb and sb get married

  • 英语短语:和某人结婚

    和某人结婚 be married to sb get married marry sb 答应和某人结婚 give one's hand to sb.promise marriage to sb.
