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all alone tonight
  • all alone tonight

  • 女主角:张子萱 广告歌:藤田美惠唱的 地址是:http://www.chinesefreewebs.com/love_fb/gallery/7687/aud-3204.mp3

  • 珍妮花婚纱广告的歌词

    well, my days went by at a dizzying pace i was always running to and fro and then before i even knew where i was off to dreamland i world go but now i realize that a day of my life in the price...

  • 出场是 craig david - all alone tonight 走秀是bigbang - lollipop

  • 张子萱有拍过哪些广告

    广告有:农夫茶广告——表白篇 农夫果园——喝前摇一摇 珍妮花婚纱摄影 七度空间少女系列卫生巾 必胜客大珠小珠披萨 索爱手机 黑妹牙膏 统一绿茶 三得利乌龙茶 她是瑞丽专属模特

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