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西式婚礼全过程 (英文)(教堂婚礼流程)2007年06月14日 星期四 上午 08:34西式婚礼全过程




17:03 随着婚礼进行曲,新娘挽着父亲入场;父亲将新娘交到等候已久的新郎手中。






17:40 乐队奏乐,宾客陆续进入餐厅,可以享用餐前开胃小菜和饮料;

18:10 新人进入餐厅后上第一道菜,侍者们给客人斟香槟,重要来宾致辞;

18:40 开胃菜后,新郎新娘跳第一支舞。伴郎伴娘及其他客人随后进入舞池一起跳舞;

19:00 重新入座等待主食;

19:30 上甜点的同时,继续舞会;

20:00 新娘抛花束;

20:10 新人在客人们间穿梭为他们的光临表示感谢,提供咖啡及各种餐后饮品;

20:30 新郎新娘一起切蛋糕后,宾客跳舞或者自由退场。

process of the western-style wedding

the western-style wedding including ceremony and banquet two parts. the ceremony is held frequently in the church and the close relatives and good friends are invited. the banquet is less heavenliness than the ceremony. the newlywed will invite more friends to participate.

process of the ceremony

at 17:00. the ceremony start. the father arrives, broadcast approach music,the best man and bridesmaid enter the church, nearby weight stand and face the guest. the ring child gives the wedding-ring to the father.

at 17:03. along with the wedding ceremony marching song, the bride pulls her father and enter the church. and than bride's father personally puts her daughter's hand to the bridegroom's hand.

at 17:10. mucis stop and entire audience are silent. the bride and the bridegroom exchange the rings and take an oath.

at 17:15. chief wedding witness gives a speech.

at 17:20. the ceremony finish. the newlywed leave the stage after music resounds, the guest applauds the celebration and strews the flower petal to the newlywed.

at 17:30. the newlywed and the guest photograph accepts as a memento.

process of the banquet

at 17:40. the orchestra plays music, the guest enters the dining room, may enjoy themself to dine the savoy and drink.

at 18:10. after the newlywed enters the dining room, first food starts to provide, and the waiter pours out the champagne to the visitor. the important guest gives a speech.

at 18:40. after the savoy, the newlywed jump the bridal wlatz. the best man, bridesmaid and other guest enter the dance floor afterwards to dance together.

at 19:00. all the people takes a seat again and waiting for the staple food.

at 19:30. while provide the sweet snack, the dance party continued.

at 20:00. the bride throws the bouquet of flowers.

at 20:10. the newlywed shuttle between the guest and thank for their presence, also provide the coffee and each kind of drinks.

at 20:30. after the newlywed cut the cake together, the guest dance or leave the banquet freely.
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